The Three P Framework


In order to help you meet your growth and revenue targets, Digital Education Success looks at L&D as a business driver, not just a supporting function. No matter what kind of program we are creating, or strategy we are implementing, we follow “The Three P Framework”.



One of the biggest areas L&D is lagging is the use of data. We barely scratch the surface with smile sheets and completion status reports. We look at meaningless data after the training has finished and none of our learners benefit from what we see. We hardly take any of the data and bring it into future L&D programs and strategies. Digital Education Success leverages data as the starting point for everything we do. No matter if it is a new onboarding or a reskilling program. A thorough analysis is the basis for everything we do so we can predict what learners really need.

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New hires in an organization that just went through their onboarding training, or seasoned employees that sat through a new product training all have one thing in common: when they are back at their workstations, they often can’t recall what they have learnt. Become more proactive and deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time and the right place. Digital Education Success uses learner personas and journeys to practively plan for what your learners need at any given time.

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Hour-long training sessions that leave everyone drained and often clueless? Content that doesn’t align with what learners need, let alone when they need it? In today’s L&D landscape, this is the unfortunate truth. Digital Education Success can help create personal training programs that align with your organization’s bigger growth and revenue targets to either onboard new hires or reskill your current workforce. With the help of learning campaigns, we ensure your learners get exactly what they need, when they need it.

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